By Eyo Nsima
The World LPG Association, WLPGA, which promotes LPG as a safer, cleaner, healthier fuel, has tasked women to adopt the product because of immense benefits.
The WLPGA that believes in, ‘Empowering women and improving their status is essential to realising women’s full economic, political and social development potential. If the energy sector development is to contribute to economic growth and broader development goals, then gender equality matters, stated: “Access to clean cooking energy is a particularly gendered issue because women are primarily responsible for cooking in virtually all cultures. Cooking energy access will be a key contributor to meeting Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which has a focus on gender equality and reducing poverty.”
In its report obtained by The Daily,, it stated: “Household air pollution (HAP) from smoke-inducing coal and biomass results in one death every 16 seconds, mostly women and young children. The risks and deaths related to Household Air Pollution disproportionately affect women and children, the ones collecting solid fuel and cooking with it.
“Women exposed to heavy indoor smoke are 2-3 times more likely to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Modern stoves and fuels can save women’s time and effort both in fuel collection and in cooking, and women perceive this as the major advantage of LPG. Norms about responsibilities for care and housework mean that women in nearly all countries work longer hours than men, with a “triple burden” of market work, housework, and family care.”
Continuing, it stated: “Increasing household use of LPG is one of several pathways to meet the objective of universal access to clean cooking and heating solutions by 2030, one of the three targets of SDG Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) (along with doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix). For the first time, access to cooking and heating energy, the most important energy need for poor women, is treated as a global and national target on an equal footing with access to electricity.
“Time saved and reduced drudgery due to fuel switching can enable women to take advantage of development and empowerment opportunities.”
It added: “The majority of fuel collection and transport is carried out by women and girls, with head loads of 20 kg or more, and distances of up to 12 km traveled not uncommon. In some cultures, men and boys also collect fuel wood, especially when distances and loads are greater.”