The Technical University Berlin and five representatives of the port industry have started the funded research project SELECT, according to FleetMon.
It stated; “In March 2020, the Technical University Berlin and five representatives of the port industry started the funded research project SELECT. The acronym “SELECT” stands for “Smarte Entscheidungsassistenz für Logistikketten der Binnenschifffahrt durch ETA-Prognosen” (engl.: “Smart decision-making assistance for logistics chains in inland shipping through ETA forecasts”). FleetMon has been chosen as the official AIS data provider.
“The aim of the project is to develop an IT system for port operators and shipping companies that automatically and dynamically predicts the transport processes of inland vessels and thus their arrival times (ETA) at inland and seaports.
“The digital decision assistant is intended to enable the parties to take suitable actions in relation to the expected arrival time. It considers the entire logistical process flow. Reducing the vessel transit/travel times as well as increasing the handling capacities in inland ports are other important goals.
“The research partners are supported by the BMVI (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) and receive funds amounting to around one million euros.”
It added: “Additionally, FleetMon’s data have been used for the teaching course “Supply Chain Analytics” at the Technical University Berlin related to the SELECT project. Visit our Research & Development section to know more about the student case studies in the field of inland vessel ETA predictions.”