UPDATE: Firefighters tackle the on board of INTERASIA CATALYST in India
By Alison Godswill
Firefighters have embarked on action targeted at tackling a fire on board of INTERASIA CATALYST in India.
According to FleetMon, “Firefighting on board of INTERASIA CATALYST is still going on, with 47 firefighters deployed. Firefighters managed to extinguish the fire in 5 containers, but the fire spread to 6 neighboring containers. All the containers are said to be loaded with industrial gods.”
Previously, it had stated: “At least 11 containers stacked on the cargo deck of container ship INTERASIA CATALYST caught fire while the ship was sailing in Andaman sea en route from Port Klang Malaysia to Cochin, India.
“According to track, fire, most probably, started early in the morning Apr 5, the ship turned back and headed for Port Klang in the afternoon same day, reaching Port Klang in the morning Apr 7. She was anchored at Port Klang and as of evening Apr 10, remained at anchor.
“As of 1140 UTC Apr 10, firefighting is probably still underway, with at least 1 tug at INTERASIA CATALYST side, or maybe it’s the aftermath after the fire. 4 tugs reportedly were deployed in firefighting active phase, with fire teams boarding container ship. Understood some 35 were affected, the extent of damages unknown.”