By Our Correspondent
A year ago, a commitment of $ 850 million was made for the upgradation of the Boston port to increase the port’s throughput, according to FleetMon.
It stated: “The Massachusetts Port Authority stated that the dredging of the Boston Harbor, the expansion of the port’s primary freight terminal, and other upgrades which were funded by the investment, have already started benefiting the port.
“Many of these upgrades were targeted at the Conley Container Terminal, which is the primary terminal in the port of Boston. Before the upgrades, the Conley container terminal offered two services that served only 7 major global ports.
“The terminal now offers 5 services and direct connectivity to China, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean, Latin America, and the Middle East. A sixth service is scheduled to start in October 2022. With all 6 services, the port will offer connectivity to 25 other ports.”