BREAKING: Nigeria’s oil production hits1.235 mb/d — OPEC
. As Nigeria beats Angola to become Africa’s highest producer
By Eyo Nsima
Nigeria’s oil production has risen by four percent month-on-month, MoM, to 1.235 million barrels per day, mb/d in December 2022, from 1.186 mb/d in November last year
However, on year-on-year, YoY, Nigeria’s oil production also increased to 1.235 mb/d in December 2022, from 1.197 mb/d in the corresponding period of 2021.
According to the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, January 2023 Monthly Oil Market Report, MOMR obtained by The Daily,, Nigeria beat Angola produced 1.088 mb/d in December 2022, to become the highest African-producing nation.