NNPC, Tecnimont sign $1.5bn PH refinery rehabilitation contract
“First and foremost, we all agree that no one will drag in labor unions, transparency international, infrastructure concenssioning and regulatory agency of the country into a tender process. If we had anything to hide or worry about, we won’t do this.
“Me and my colleagues, we are very proud that we did this so that this tender process which culminated in this event of today is monumental history for us.
“We are aware of the many of the misgivings in the public space around cost, around political compromises, even around potentially why do we even have to do this. We understand this.
“Some people in their own world because if they have the opportunity, this is what they would do. If they have the opportunity they would hike up the cost, they would have seen it as an opportunity to make or earn income that they have not worked for. They would also see it as an opportunity for political patronage.
“As we speak, I can confirm to you that if I see the COO Tecniomont, I cannot recognize him. As a matter of fact, when I came in, I had difficulty remembering whether I had met him, with due respect”, he stated.