LPG: WLPGA will continue to encourage women participation in the industry — Communications Director, WLPGA
By Eyo Nsima
The World LPG Association, WLPGA, said it will continue to encourage the participation of women in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG, globally.
In her latest interview with The Daily, www.thedaily-ng.com, Alison Abbott, Communications Director, WLPGA, who doubles as the global manager of Women in LPG, WINLPG, speaks on a wide range of issues, said: “We recognized, some years ago, that women were under-represented in the LPG industry if you think about it, it is women who, as consumers, often make the purchasing arrangements and are the main users (cooking, etc) yet there were few women in leadership and decision-making roles.
“There are excellent business reasons why having women executives is simply just good for business and we wanted our industry to show leadership in promoting women. WINLPG aims to bring women, and men, together across all business sectors, ages, and levels to discuss and support the development of diversity within the LPG Industry.”
She also added: “WINLPG has three pillars of the objective. First, to support and retain women already in the industry via a network through which women can further their professional development and access colleagues and mentors. Second, to promote role models and case studies via media and at industry events and, third in the longer term, to work with universities to educate and attract women, and young people, to the industry.”
.The full interview will be published here on Monday, February 22, 2021. Watch out. It is as very informative as inspiring.