Three crew of tanker GLOBAL LAKE, including Captain, have died in Algeria, according to FleetMon’s unconfirmed report.
It stated: “Three crew of tanker GLOBAL LAKE, including Captain, died on board in a tragic accident. The tanker was cruising around the north of Algeria, understood in ballast, after she left Bejaia, Algeria, on Aug 17, probably waiting for orders.
“On Aug 25 she sailed to Cartagena Spain, reporting three deaths. One crew, AB most probably, was cleansing the tank, got caught in an anoxia pocket inside a tank, depleted of oxygen. Captain and bosun tried to rescue him, but fell down into a tank, probably going dizzy due to lack of oxygen.
“All three later were hoisted to cargo deck by the crew. Tanker berthed at Cartagena in the morning August 26, 2021, investigation underway.”